My quote for the day: Compliments of Pinterest...

Now these are the photos I culled from all of the photos I took out in Nevada. It is still very long. If you don't have time to scroll through, I did add a couple cards at the end... just because. They are not necessarily my greatest work because I was rushing to get them done for "events". I know you know what I mean. But have a peep anyway, if you must. Today I think the photos may be more interesting. lol
Here we go...

On the way to the "M" hotel which is abot 30 minutes from the Las Vegas strip. It is located in Henderson, Nevada. The purpose: to attend the 25th annual AFIS Internet, Inc. Convention.

Here we are...

The lobby. It is a beautiful hotel.

The pool area.

A closer look.

A fabulous bakery inside the hotel.

With a most popular treat. Lots of cupcakes.

This was actually dessert one night- so this photo is out of sequence, but it is another sample of the delights offered at the bakery.

Just for your viewing pleasure...

Martini....the "other" after dinner dessert... : )

The martini maker... (this ones for you K...) I forgot his name, but he was an excellent bartender. I did a comparison throughout the hotel. lol

One of the many fabulous restaurants located on the premises. I did get to sample several of them...

This is the gorgeous entrance...

I'm sorry. I just had to take a photo of this sink. I've never seen one like it before and thought it was quite unique.

Dinner... (I do love seafood) Lobster....

Let's do it again... Seafood combination...

Just one more time... Stuffed prongs...
And if the photos make the food look less then apealing, trust me on this one, it is the photography!

Some hotel artwork. I'm not an art snob or a true critic, but it does amaze me sometime what passes for art. #I'mjustsayin...
And by the way...I already know that these photos are not the best. #1 I'm not a photographer. I just play one in real life. And #2 Most of these shots were hurried. I had REAL work to do. : D But I knew I wanted to document some of these things on my blog.
Seriously, doesn't the one on the far right look just like a popular cuttlebug folder? (go on take a closer look...enlarge it...)

There was a lady selling Miche bags at the convention. I thought they were cool and approriate at this fingerprint conference.

The registration desk.

Our Monday morning conference begins...

Where the "magic" happens... Really I'm just being silly. NEC has developed some facial reccognition software, and they utilized a "fun" exhibit this year- scanning your face with a phone and matching it to a database of celebrities. But in this area was the serious software/hardware also...several venders.

Some of the great breakout sessions we attended.

And some more...sounds pretty interesting, right?

The Monday night entertainment?: The Rat Pack. I figured I better tell you because you may have never guessed. Except in this quite awful photo (the flash on my inexpensive camera sucks after the sun goes down) the guy in the middle does favor Sinatra slightly...and we were near Vegas...They were quite good, too.

A side trip before one of my meetings, to the only tourist outing I made during the conference.
Red Rock Canyon. I have to say that is is breathtaking in person. I'm certain these photos can not begin to express the visual delight that one might feel in person. But it is the best I can do for you. :)
I don't know how I managed to keep my eyes open so late...but somehow I did manage... :)

I so wish I was quicker to take a photo of these guys. They were all wearing KISS make-up. They probably would have posed for a photo if I'd asked. Although there were two guys made up like celebrities just standing out in front of the casinos that refused to be photographed unless we paid them money. Didn't get those pictures... : /

This was my only visit to the Strip after my conference concluded.
I already knew I don't care for gambling. This pretty much reinforced it.
I would love the shows in Vegas, but you have to either have lots of dough
for THEM, or lots of dough for gambling so someone else pays for them...

We took this mode of transportation which only went 3 stops. But it got us closer to the Bellagio with all those great indoor shots.

This looked like chocolate that was flowing from the ceiling in this sweet shop.

Found this reminder of home. Oh yes, of course there were other team flags there. I just didn't have time to shoot them all. lol

Along the way....

And this...

And this...

Outside the Wynn...another fabulous hotel. But I guess most of them are fabulous in their own way.

In doors, just as you enter...

Look at the FLOOR!...

My pocketbook windows were all changed! :)
Yellow diamonds...


More "carot" lovliness....Go on...take a closer look at them.

Manolo Blahnk...



Jimmy Choo...

Inside the Venetian...

I'm sorry. I was so disturbed by the front of this "statue" that I was unable to take that photo. Hence... the rear.

Some cool purses...

Who doesn't like real expensive Snoopy portrature for their walls?...


This was some cool artwork. I loved the carved wood pieces...

And these...socks...panties...paintbrushes...all wood.

Outside the Madame Tassaud wax museum. Harrison Ford and Whoopie Goldberg welcomed your entrance.

A VERY talented young man who made the piece of artwork below in a matter of minutes using various cans of spray paint!

His finished work. It was amazing to watch. This is artistic talent to me.
Along the way...

Well...we were in the desert, and I got very thirsty. I just don't know WHY I waited until I reached the Bellagio to do it. This 16 plus ounce bottle of water costs me over $4.00,
So I had to take a photo of it...



In their atrium....



These birds were REALLY into each other!

Lots of fish swimming around in the atrium waters...

A framed picture comprised of various kinds of flowers. Pretty, right?

And of course, another sample of home...our Liberty bell...

Just for the record...I didn't make it inside this one...

On my way back to the hotel...

This was a fabulous Salad buffet restaurant that I hope makes it's way to the East coast.

And the moment you've all been waiting for. hahahaha. Yes, I went to Vegas, and all I REALLY wanted to do was visit HOBBY LOBBY. Had I not made it to the strip of hotels it would have been fine. I'm glad I did get there just so I know...

A quick card I needed for a bridal shower. Thanks to Stampin Up, DCWV and K & Company- I made it happen. BY the way, I thought her invitation was way prettier. It looked like a wedding invitation. And the shower seemed like a reception. Can't wait for the actual wedding reception! Speaking of which...I better get busy on the card, huh?... :)
Oh, and it turns out...she is really into butterflies. :)

A card for some of the men in my son didn't like the ladybug on there, but I argued with him that since the ladybug is actually a male, I took that license. He still didn't agree.
The supplies for this card are many and varied. If you have a specific question I'd be happy to answer it. You can email me at or just leave it in the comments on this post. I will be sure to get back to you.

And last...a birthday card for a sweet niece in her favorite colors...
Farewell to another conference...

Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to stop by for a visit. I do appreciate it. Especially if you took the time to leave me a comment. I'll be around to see you, also.
Until next time....