This post will be linked to the following challenges:
1) someone special (all 3)
2) dry embossing (#2)
3) monocromatic (#3)
4) :anything goes
Compliments of Pinterest....

I suppose this message would apply more to the "older folks" than someone just starting out on the dream voyage...but nonetheless why shouldn't they know this too...?
This is Miles card. I have been saving this photo for a long time. It was taken almost 10 years ago in Ocean City, Maryland. That has been one of my favorite places to visit besides Disneyworld, that is.
As I approach the beach there is something magical about the ocean air that lifts all my cares and worries away for as long as I'm there. It is so peaceful, and relaxing. I haven't been able to spend dedicated time there like I would want since Miles started school, but he is a senior this year, so prayerfully I will be getting back to the beach. A good friend of mine has already suggested we use it this year as a "craft retreat week" What could be better than that? I'm all for it! :)
Here is his card.

I had to add the red because it is his favorite color, and I blinged the 17 because he loves a little bling!
I had to add the red because it is his favorite color, and I blinged the 17 because he loves a little bling!
I was inspired to make this card after browsing the internet and someone made a card using that statement "Enjoy the Ride"....immediately it reminded me of his photo, and I took it from there...
So if you happen upon this blog, and you remember using that sentiment on a project recently- I thank you for the inspiration.
The poem is mostly intact, however I did adapt it to my young man for the purpose of this very special birthday.
This next card was created at a Stampin Up gathering. I love everything about it. The fall colors, the leave image, the embossing folder.
This is the card that was created for my neighbor and friend Ada. I'm not sure how old she turned, but I do know that she is significantly younger than me, and is a real mother in every way. She has four beautiful daughters of various ages (2 younger and 2 older) and she runs her household like nobodies business! She does so much for and with her girls, it is amazing! I am always in awe of what I call "real parents" (those with more than one kid, lol) I don't know how they do it. Sometimes I feel ready for the loony bin, and then I just say a prayer and keep it moving...I always remember another favorite poem of mine by Helen Steiner Rice "This too shall pass away...") In fact, these days I have to remember that poem EVERY SINGLE DAY...
Her card...
The inside...
And last, but certainly not least, here is a card for Ada's husband, Mike. I forgot to tell you that Ada and Mike are always inviting me to dinner, and shamlessly, I rarely say no! They are the best cooks, and I think (according to Ada) Mike cooks a little more. He makes a lot of mean dishes I can attest to! They do so many things for me throughout the year, I try to remember them on their birthdays.
Keep in mind I am still stressed about situations occuring with my teen on a weekly basis, so that doesn't help me get into a creative mindset. But..."This too shall pass..." :)
Here is his card...
Thank you so much for your visit, I appreciaite you dropping by. Come back and see me again, soon!