Saturday, June 4, 2011

Same design, slightly different...My 3/4 done cards!

My thought for today comes from The Complete Pocket Positives:

The greater part of our happiness or misery
depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances.
We carry the seeds of the one or the other
about with us in our minds wherever we go.
Martha Washington

We have the ability to make the most of a bad situation,...or not.


Almost Finished! Third Post...

These are my 3/4 completed cards. I just came up with this easy layout and I complete them 3/4 of the way. The last part will be completed when it's needed. I'm going to show you the card now, and again at some point in the future. When it is needed it will be customized for that occasion whether it is birthday, thinking of you, congratulations or sympathy. Then you can see exactly what I am talking about... Here's the third installment...

I'm so glad...I needed some cards made up in advance!

Don't you think this could be a perfect sympathy card?...

How about birthday?....

Thanks for taking the time to stop for a visit. I always appreciate your comments!! : ]


  1. All your 3/4 cards are fabulous, Rachel. But this green, and the other color look like cream, one is my favorite.

  2. Your cards are beautiful, Rae, and how smart to leave off the sentiment until it's needed!! The colors are sooo pretty and you have used one of my favorite embossing folders!!!

  3. OMG, these are GORGEOUS Rae! I gotta try this out!
