Tuesday, May 31, 2011

3/4 Completed Part 2

My thought for today comes from The Complete Pocket Positives:

Learn to get in touch with the silence
within yourself and know
that everything in this life has a purpose.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross


Almost Finished! Second Post ( There are 4 right now)

These are my 3/4 completed cards. I just came up with this easy layout and I complete them 3/4 of the way. The last part will be completed when it's needed. I'm going to show you the card now, and again at some point in the future. When it is needed it will be customized for that occasion whether it is birthday, thinking of you, congratulations or sympathy. Then you can see exactly what I am talking about... Here's the second installment...

I went with deeper, more traditional colors this post. I liked these also.

My friend Helen said they already looked finished, but I will add a greeting (Happy Birthday, Congratulations, With Deepest Sympathy...etc) to complete them- depending on the need.

Same embossing folder...different color inks, different flowers, different ribbons...

Thanks for visiting! I appreciate your comments!



  1. Fab design Rae, love how you push the limits and try out different colours, it can really change the overall look!!

  2. Rae, left a comment earlier on this same post and something told me to come back and check. Don't think it went through. I said that I absolutely love these cards! Great work once again! This technique is awesome!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Love and Hugs,
