Friday, April 22, 2011

Trip to Vegas, Card for NEC, Tokyo

My thought for today from " The Complete Live and Learn and Pass It On":

I've learned that if you pursue happiness, it will elude you. But if you focus
on your family, the needs of others, your work, meeting new people, and
doing the very best you can, happiness will find you.


I am linking the card at the end of this blog to MIM
(Make it Monday). Go over and please check out this site!


Well, it has been a long time since I have posted anything. But I should have a few posts over the next few days. My internet is still acting crazy, but I don't have the time to replace the company just yet. Eventually I will have to do something. It gets ridiculous sometimes...

I took a work trip to Las Vegas, but I actually forgot my camera. These pictures were taken by a friend of mine who was kind enough to snap a few of the photos that caught my eye. : )

This was taken at the Wynn Hotel and Casino...

I thought these peacocks were so beautiful....

Loved these jewelry and pocketbook arrangements...

This was an outdoor full sized window...

This was a pizza restaurant in the Wynn. I really liked this wall of clocks...

My dessert back at the "M" Hotel and Casino (in the desert-lol)...

This is a card I made for the AFIS Internet Board and members to send to NEC Toyko to let them know we were thinking about them after the aftermath of the Tsunami...

The gorgeous paper I got from my very talented friend Helen. Thanks Helen, I think it turned out nice. Check out her will be happy you did!

Thank you, as always for stopping by for your visit. I really appreciate it.


  1. Hi Rae, Wow! Las Vegas looks like fun and love the pics!! You are so lucky and I hope you enjoyed yourself:)
    Have a wonderful Easter and hope the easter bunny brings lots of goodies your way...
    Lynn xx
    PS: In a few months I will start up another Challenge blog, and I plan to make it really special with loads of creative stuff!

  2. Great card, Rae!! So elegant and decent... perfect for the purpose!

  3. Hi Rae

    Fabulous photos, looks like you had a great trip!

    Your card is lovely too, that paper is gorgeous.

    Thank you for sharing with us at Make It Monday this week.

    Michelle :-)

    P.S. I wanted to email you to say thank you for your lovely commment on the new MIM blog, but I couldn't find an email address for you here.I am so glad that you enjoy the weekly linky party

  4. Love your blog header....such a beautiful butterfly. Interesting post and lovely card. I have come via Make it Monday.

  5. OMG! Rachel, I LOVE it!!! You are so good at this! I am going to definitely CAS this card. I am looking forward to see what you will come up for the other papers.

    Seem like you had a wonderful trip. Talk to you soon.

  6. wonderful photos, and your cherry blossom card.

    Thanks for sharing your creation with Make It Monday.
    Don't forget......... if you leave a comment on another entry, mention that you saw their card on "Make It Monday" for a chance at second prize. The more entries you comment on the more chance you have of winning second prize.
