Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Missed Posting the Tuesday Trigger and Red Herring"...Darn Internet Service!

Good morning! I am trying to quickly post this while I still can get on the Internet. VERIZON has the worst customer service around, and I can not wait to find a new internet service provider. My service is the WORST!! But on to better stuff!...

My son's high school put on this play last week, and they were sooo good!!!
I wish you could take photos, but you can't.... Go Mr. Rothstein, Go Drama Club!!!

Although I was too late to link to this Tuesday Trigger, I'm posting it anyway. My internet service would not connect me, so I was unable to post. That really annoyed me, but what can you do?
Here's the Trigger...

Here's my take on it!
I know I haven't made my usual visits to all my peeps blogs. I will hopefully get there through this week. My service is spotty, and I have had so much going on between work and my son and his school, when I try to get on frequently I can not connect. I have to travel soon, and I am also trying to prepare for that. OK, it's past time for me to get to work!.... : )

Thanks for stopping by...I REALLY appreciate your comments!
Gotta get a NEW internet service SOON!!!


; )


  1. Hi Rachel,
    Glad your internet is working again.

    Cute, cute, card! I have a little award for you on my blog.

  2. Awesome card, Rae! I am sorry that life is not totally smooth right now... Hope it gets better. I love this card - so bright and sunny.

    Congrats, you have received an award from Helen.

    xxx Monica

  3. I adore this! Perfect colors and layering!! I love that ribbons, too! Just lovely! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. I am soooo sorry about your internet problems, Rae...how frustrating!!! I'm glad you were able to spend time with your son...the play sounds wonderful!!! I'm glad you were able to post this card, too, because it's absolutely beautiful...the colors are just perfect and what a gorgeous design!!!!

  5. Hey, Hey, Hey! Your take on this Trigger, as usual, is right on! Your card is so that trigger photo!!! I truly love this card! Great work there A One of a Kind...
    Love and Hugs,
    Wanted to pass the award to you also but I think all of the recipients have to be new ones.

  6. Rae, I want to say, I love that poster from the doctor's office! I just told Vaughn and Shay #14! I'm sure your son must have pointed out # 8 and # 10 for sure! LOL! Thanks for sharing this!
    Love and Hugs,

  7. love the lily, and the center bling!

  8. Rae ~ Thanks so much for popping by The Open Window and for the lovely note. Really glad your internet is back up and running.
    Your Trigger card is so bright and bold and a lovely design.

  9. Gorgeous card and bright happy colours:)
    Lynn xx
