Saturday, April 30, 2011

50th Birthday Year!

My thought for today comes from The Complete Pocket Positives:

I have learned that a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts,
for it is a love that has no exchange or payment.
Frances Farmer


Hi, I have another short post tonight. I made this 50th birthday card for a good friend. I was actually very pleased with how it turned out. The paper was actually a metallic grey/black. And shock of all shocks- I just purchased it within the last two weeks, and I thought it was perfect for the look I was trying to achieve. My lighting wasn't the best, and therefore these pictures didn't turn out that great. I wish I would have had the time to shoot them in a natural light.

Thanks for stopping by. I really appreciate your visit!

Friday, April 29, 2011

AFIS Internet Congrats

Today I want to write a page from "Words of Wisdom for Women" by Rachel Snyder:

Todays word is:


Allow yourself to ask for what you need. Allow yourself to need help, to need love, to need other people. Give yourself permission to say "this is what I need", to say it without shame, without guilt. Now allow yourself to receive what is offered. Allow yourself to be human. Allow yourself the luxury of screwing up now and then, of being less than perfect. Allow yourself to lay it all down and breathe. Now allow someone else to help you pick up the pieces. Give (her) permission to love you in the only way (she) knows how. Every so often, allow yourself to forget about the bills and the phone calls and the deadlines. Allow yourself the freedom to to feel exactly how you feel, to be exactly where you are in any given moment. Allow others to do the same.


These two cards were sent to members of AFIS Internet, a law enforcement organization that has been in existence for 25 years this year. It was sent to these individuals to congratulate them on promotions they recently received.
The cards are simple basic designs that I work 3/4 through and then finish them off based on the need. That way I can make them Sympathy, birthday, Get Well...whatever...I love working my card designs this way because I don't often have time to create something brand new- especially when I need a card for work. Especially Sympathy. I really need to create more cards to be used in this way.

Same basic design, but I still love how they turned out so different. And I'm sure you noticed- no sentiment on the outside. I personalized them each inside very specifically addressing the new job title(s). I know at least one lady said hers was beautiful.

Thanks for taking the time for your visit. I appreciate it, and you!!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Buttons and Brads!

My quote for today taken from The Complete Pocket Positives:

Each new friend represents a world in us, a world possible not born until they arrive,
and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.
Anais Nin

This is how I feel about all of the new friends I have made in the blogisphere...

Actually these cards were made from that same inspiration photo
as my two other cards sets with buttons on them...buttons and brads...
I like how these turned out. Simple, right?




Thanks so much for stopping by. I really appreciate your visit and your comments!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

More Birthday Cards

My thought for today comes from "The Complete Pocket Positives":

We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world,
and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
Robert Louis Stevenson

I personally have been graced with wonderful, understanding friends, and family who are also
good friends, (and very supportive) which is twice the blessing. God is great.

You stopped by to see some cards, right? I have a few for you today. This is another set that was actually inspired by the same photo that inspired the birthday balloon set. (Ah, I never showed you that photo, did I? I am sorry to say you probably would not see the connection...)
I am not usually so CAS, but I think I kept these simple. I really, really tried....
I actually really liked how they turned out.
I know I haven't been listing supplies lately, but if you have a question I will surely answer it. Eventually I will get back to listing supplies (like this summer!) : )
I am thinking about trying to submit for a current Papercrafts challenge.
I know I have to stop thinking on it, and get it done!

As always, thank you so very much for your visit, and your treasured comments!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sponge Bob birthday

My thought for today:

Silence is the best substitute for brains ever invented!
Henry F. Ashurst

A quick post for today. I still have several more to go. ; )
This was a birthday card made for a 3 year old recently. His party theme was Sponge Bob, so
I tried to make him a card in his theme. I wasn't thrilled with how it turned out, but it's ok.

Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it, your comments and you!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

ACT and Birthday Card Set

Today I am sharing another entry from "Words of Wisdom for Women" by Rachel Synder

Today's word is:

When it's time, get moving. After you've reflected and meditated, waited, prayed, and reaffirmed, ACT. ACT on your instincts. ACT without delay. Send the letter. Make the call. Pack the box. Issue the invitation. Get on the plane. ACT already! ACT with your own best interests at heart. ACT in accordance with your most closely held values. ACT mindfully. ACT on behalf of the very young or the very old or the very needy. Now and then, ACT half your age. ACT out in your own living room, ACT up in public. Strut around and ACT as though you own the joint. ACT LIKE THE WOMAN YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE-and don't be surprised when suddenly you are!


My 2nd post in the same weekend! That's big for me! : D
As long as this internet cooperates, I'm good to go.

This is a set of cards I wanted to put in the Moxie Fab Challenge for card sets, but I was unable to load it, so...such is life...(Check out the card sets that made it on time)..

Thanks for stopping by, it is greatly appreciated!.... : D

Friday, April 22, 2011

Trip to Vegas, Card for NEC, Tokyo

My thought for today from " The Complete Live and Learn and Pass It On":

I've learned that if you pursue happiness, it will elude you. But if you focus
on your family, the needs of others, your work, meeting new people, and
doing the very best you can, happiness will find you.


I am linking the card at the end of this blog to MIM
(Make it Monday). Go over and please check out this site!


Well, it has been a long time since I have posted anything. But I should have a few posts over the next few days. My internet is still acting crazy, but I don't have the time to replace the company just yet. Eventually I will have to do something. It gets ridiculous sometimes...

I took a work trip to Las Vegas, but I actually forgot my camera. These pictures were taken by a friend of mine who was kind enough to snap a few of the photos that caught my eye. : )

This was taken at the Wynn Hotel and Casino...

I thought these peacocks were so beautiful....

Loved these jewelry and pocketbook arrangements...

This was an outdoor full sized window...

This was a pizza restaurant in the Wynn. I really liked this wall of clocks...

My dessert back at the "M" Hotel and Casino (in the desert-lol)...

This is a card I made for the AFIS Internet Board and members to send to NEC Toyko to let them know we were thinking about them after the aftermath of the Tsunami...

The gorgeous paper I got from my very talented friend Helen. Thanks Helen, I think it turned out nice. Check out her will be happy you did!

Thank you, as always for stopping by for your visit. I really appreciate it.