Saturday, April 30, 2011

50th Birthday Year!

My thought for today comes from The Complete Pocket Positives:

I have learned that a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts,
for it is a love that has no exchange or payment.
Frances Farmer


Hi, I have another short post tonight. I made this 50th birthday card for a good friend. I was actually very pleased with how it turned out. The paper was actually a metallic grey/black. And shock of all shocks- I just purchased it within the last two weeks, and I thought it was perfect for the look I was trying to achieve. My lighting wasn't the best, and therefore these pictures didn't turn out that great. I wish I would have had the time to shoot them in a natural light.

Thanks for stopping by. I really appreciate your visit!


  1. It's always good to have a little bling on your 50th... actually it's essential! I am also 'trying' to use my purchases instead of hoarding them... but it is sooo hard, because they are so lovely to look at and just have. Your friend will just love this card, it's beautiful!

  2. WOW!!! This is spectacular, Rae....I think being 50 deserves a fabulous, shimmery card like this...your friend is going to love it, too!!!!

  3. Hi Rae, what a gorgeous special card!! Love the glitz and shimmer and so will the lady receiving it:)
    Hope you are doing well and will drop by again soon:)
    Lynn xx:)

  4. Hi Ya Rae,
    Well here I am again in the same post (lol)
    Thanks for wonderful well wishes and support, it means a lot to me. I guess trying to sell our house and working so much finally took its toll, but I'm worried about my other half cause lately he doesn't look so good either.
    The antibiotics, the doctor gave me really have kicked in because I do feel better.
    I'm glad you had a laugh because I love challenges as you know and I couldn't help myself...had to go a little more than just 10 (I think it was 17 eek!!)
    Anyway it's all in fun..
    Well I have taken up enough of your space.
    Hope you have a great weekend and keep creating your beautiful cards!
    Big Huggs
    Lynn :) xxx
