Thursday, June 4, 2009

365 card design with fabric

I saw a challenge over on 365 cards that I decided to participate in.  The challenge was to incorporate fabric into the card design.  What do you think?


  1. I think you did a FANTASTIC job on all!!! saw you were new in a post to Glenna so thought i'd pop on over to visit. glad you found 365 and hope to see more by you :D

  2. super fun cards!!! thanks for playing!

  3. I think they're all fab, nice job and thanks for playing along!

  4. Great cards, I love the fabric on the 2nd one the best, it's very pretty.

  5. The cards, are wonderful, and of course we don't mind newbiews, the more of us there are the more we know we aren't alone, in the crazy crafy overly wackiness. I am glad you are joining 365 challenges, I think you will get a kick out of it.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog
