Saturday, May 30, 2009

Another challenge: FTL #44

Hey.  I decided to try another challenge.  This time I am doing the challenge over on the Clean & Simple site. (
This is Fall to Layout #44.  

Here is my take on it below;  
Supplies: Pattern paper- K & company, glitter balloons- DCVW, ink- color box dark brown, braiding cord, ribbon- Martha Stewart and the Happy birthday stamp- Stamping Sensations

I want to try this same layout for a couple baby cards I need to make.  I still have graduation cards to make.  I think I am going to try one more challenge to get the creativity flowing for those...later.

On a very personal note: ONLY 17 MORE DAYS OF SCHOOL!!!!!


  1. after the delightful comment you made on my card set I just had to come and check things out on your are doing great....I am a fairly new blogger too...have only had mine since February, so I understand that you are still learning....but I am go, girl

  2. This is so pretty! Love all that sparkle!! :)
