Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

I am linking this post to:


Hello friends,
I know I haven't been here in a while.  I'm still crafting a little bit, but as we inch closer 
to graduation time it will get better and better.  :)

My quote is compliments of Pinterest.  I will always be there to support my son, but I certainly won't always be able to fix it.  Sometimes it helps just knowing you don't have to face things alone.

I woke yesterday morning thinking I smelled something burning and stupidly thought, that must be my next door neighbors house.  I jumped up and rushed downstairs after a few more minutes of drifting in la-la land...where I discovered my teenager in the kitchen cooking breakfast.  Unfortunately, he hasn't cooked it in a long time (for a full breakfast I would guess possibly last year this time) and he thought those eggs would take much longer than they actually did. Uh, he had to trash the first attempt and start over. But eventually we sat down to a full breakfast together.  It is just the kind of thing to make you smile.  He made me a card.  I like that part the best.  He even found a beautiful poem to put inside.  I am a sentimental old gal.  :)

OK, well, on to these cards.  I really have been a little stressed lately.  I just didn't have a lot of time to focus on cards as I would like to, so I tried my best to keep them simple.  My good friend Helen over at
crocheted these gorgeous flowers and I LOVE them!  Of course the main problem is once 
I use them, they are GONE!  OK, Helen, I need some more!!!!  :)
That is why I selected these beautiful papers and decided to make them 5 1/2X 5 1/2 squares.
I added a brad, embossed the flower stem  and greeting and I was done.

The first card was a special order, but I just can not take too many of these any more!
So it is the only one of it's kind I made this time (very unusual for me) 
I forgot to shoot the inside of all of them.

Love, Mom

The papers were all beautiful flocked, glittered, embossed...mostly DCWV.

Thanks for yor visit,



  1. All of your cards are lovely, Rae! I particularly like the embossing on the first one. Thanks for Helen's blog address, I may have to get a few of those crocheted flowers, they are a stunning embellishment! I found you at MIM and I am now following your blog. I am # 15
    Chana, DT Coordinator
    Jackson's Digital Expressions

  2. so beautiful card….. love the combo and cute image
    i see it on Make it Monday….



  3. Hi Rachel,
    I just love your cute and simple design. Love how you focus on the crochet flowers. I am so going to CASing these cards especially the fist one. The white embossing paper is so gorgeous! See you soon!

  4. The quote is beautiful. Your son is a gem and the cards all lovely, as well as clean and simple. Glad you are getting back into stamping. It is such a stress reducer don't you think?
    Thanks for playing along with the Simply Create Too challenge.
    Erica (Simply Create Too Design Team Member)

  5. Stunning cards and Love the quote Rae. I saw this on MIM..Loz

  6. Hi Rae
    What a sweet son. Your cards are all beautiful. You made up for lost time stamping and I hope after graduation you'll be able to de-stress and get back into the fun.
    Thanks for playing with us at Simply Create Too.
    Erica (Simply Create Too Design Team Member)

  7. Such pretty cards. Your friend does so well making the flowers and you turning them into a card! They caught my eye on MIM. Thanks, for sharing.

  8. Hello. I saw these Beautiful cards on MIM..Faye

  9. Gorgeous cards!

    I’m stopping by from MIM. (I’m entry #97)


    **I am having a give-away on my blog. Feel free to stop by if you are interested.**

  10. Hi Rae

    How are you?

    How sweet that your son cooked your breakfast!

    Your cards are just gorgeous, Helen's flowers look so beautiful. She is such a talented lady who has patience to boot.

    I love the embossing on the first card.

    Thank you for sharing with us at Make It Monday this week.

    Michelle :o)

  11. I'm in awe....your collection of cards is superb. Love the crocheted flowers you added as well. :)

    Thank you so much for taking the time to link up your talent and creative ideas with us at Make It Monday!
    Lisa xx

  12. Rae: all your cards so beautiful--especially love the white/pink one. What is that embossing folder? What brand? Thank you for joining us at Simply Create Too for our Challenge #13 - Mother's Day [or Feminine] Challenge. [PS. I HAD to become a Follower--love your site!]

    Simply Create Too Design Team Member

  13. WOW - what a great collection of cards! Love to see how the same design with small variations can give such a variety. I do love the card you entered on MIM - the bold orange of the rise really stands out!
    PS: In case you are not aware of it (I wasn't myself) - you have Word verification on, and unfortunately that will put many people off from commenting...

  14. Hey Rachel, this is such a beautiful set of cards. I love the crocheted flowers. Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day. {{{HUGS}}}

  15. Hi Rae, it's been so long since I have visited and I can see your creations are simply beautiful..I think crafters are like wine, their work gets better and better with time and yours are just superb:)
    I haven't been doing as much blogging since the dreaded Facebook because I have a little business there (as I now have to create my own employment) but I do miss my bloggy friends as they mean a lot to me. But I will get back in there and get into the swing again.
    I was so happy to see your comments and know that you are well and hope everyone in the family is going great too!
    Anyway will catch up and keep up the super work :))
    Huggs and Love
    Lynn xxx
