Saturday, May 26, 2012


Compliments of Pinterest....

I am linking this post to:

Hello all,
I posted a picture of the back of my son's senior teeshirt.  I know it has been done and done and done, 
but I still think it is cool when they list all of the student's names inside the numbers. 
 Fourteen more school days until graduation! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! 

OK.  This set of cards was inspired by a card I saw in a recent edition of PaperCrafts "Get Inspired"
I wish I could remember the page number, but I have temporarily misplaced the magazine.
Hope you like them.  I love how they all turned out.  But I think I am partial to the Red, black and white.

I posted a little note for you to read:

You KNOW you are!  Thanks for your visit!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

I am linking this post to:


Hello friends,
I know I haven't been here in a while.  I'm still crafting a little bit, but as we inch closer 
to graduation time it will get better and better.  :)

My quote is compliments of Pinterest.  I will always be there to support my son, but I certainly won't always be able to fix it.  Sometimes it helps just knowing you don't have to face things alone.

I woke yesterday morning thinking I smelled something burning and stupidly thought, that must be my next door neighbors house.  I jumped up and rushed downstairs after a few more minutes of drifting in la-la land...where I discovered my teenager in the kitchen cooking breakfast.  Unfortunately, he hasn't cooked it in a long time (for a full breakfast I would guess possibly last year this time) and he thought those eggs would take much longer than they actually did. Uh, he had to trash the first attempt and start over. But eventually we sat down to a full breakfast together.  It is just the kind of thing to make you smile.  He made me a card.  I like that part the best.  He even found a beautiful poem to put inside.  I am a sentimental old gal.  :)

OK, well, on to these cards.  I really have been a little stressed lately.  I just didn't have a lot of time to focus on cards as I would like to, so I tried my best to keep them simple.  My good friend Helen over at
crocheted these gorgeous flowers and I LOVE them!  Of course the main problem is once 
I use them, they are GONE!  OK, Helen, I need some more!!!!  :)
That is why I selected these beautiful papers and decided to make them 5 1/2X 5 1/2 squares.
I added a brad, embossed the flower stem  and greeting and I was done.

The first card was a special order, but I just can not take too many of these any more!
So it is the only one of it's kind I made this time (very unusual for me) 
I forgot to shoot the inside of all of them.

Love, Mom

The papers were all beautiful flocked, glittered, embossed...mostly DCWV.

Thanks for yor visit,
