Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What Cancer Can Not Do: Shelly

I want to thank my friend Monica for spotlighting me on her bloghttp://handmadecardswithlove.blogspot.com/.
What an honor! I am so appreciative of her mention.
Thank you, Monica, so very much! XXOO



Via Pinterest:

Who doesn't get stressed from time to time. Just a few words of wisdom to help you cope until you make it to the other side. And you WILL make it because nothing lasts forever...


This card was made for a lady named Shelly. I never met her, but she was a friend of a
friend of mine. I was asked to make her a card because her friends were throwing her
a party so she could have her "flowers" while she was still here to smell them. She told
me her favorite color was red. Shelly had terminal cancer. Very sadly, Shelly passed
away right before Christmas. My friend told me this card touched her...

Her card:

The inside:


I appreciate you taking the time to visit, and if you left me a comment "Thanks from
the heart...."


  1. Such a special card, glad your friend's friend got to smell her flowers and receive your beautiful card,

  2. Your card is beautiful and very touching, Rae...I'm sure Shelly loved it and appreciated the time and effort you put into it's creation!!! You always have the best advice and words of wisdom on your blog....you are such an inspiration!!!!

  3. Hey Rae,

    I felt so proud to honour someone as lovely and meaningful as yourself on my little blog.

    So glad that you were featured on Inspire me Fridays. Your cards are wonderful always...

    And this card for Shelly almost made me cry - so touching were it's words. So glad that it touched Shelly.

    And thanks for sharing all those lovely things about stress etc. You are a darling!

    Hugs and smiles,


  4. hi Rae - popped over from Monica's blog - your card is lovely and I can understand how it touched Shelley. I've been looking at your tips to avoid stress and will certainly try some out - thanks for sharing

  5. Beautiful card & I'm glad that is brightened Shelly's day. Thanks for playing along with our challenge this week over at Shopping our Stash :) Thank you for your 50 ways to cope with stress...so needed that right now!!

  6. Just popping by to say thank you for your visit and lovely comments...That's a beautiful card,I'm sure it was loved....
    Mandy x

  7. Hello Rae
    Beautiful sentiments on this wonderful card which I am sure was so appreciated . Well done on Inspire me Fridays recognition and the featured post on Monica's blog

  8. Just amazing! I love this. So true and encouraging. :)

    Thank you for playing along with us at Make It Monday!
    Remember, for a chance to win the prize from our sponsor, leave a comment for another entry and mention that you saw them on Make It Monday.
    Lisa xx

  9. This is such a beautiful card and what a wonderful way at looking at Cancer as to what it can't do. Visiting from over Monica's way. You do have a lovely blog. :_)

  10. Hi there Rae, This card is very, very pretty. I was saddened to know the outcome of the woman you made it for but I'm sure it gave her a moment of happiness and warmth. You did a great thing taking on this order.

  11. Gorgeous card! Thank you for sharing with us at Cupcake Craftroom.

    Good luck!

    Jo xxx

  12. A beautiful card, for a beautiful reason.thanks for playing at anything goes this week, huhgs trace x dt

  13. very pretty card and verse...thanks for playing along at shopping our stash this week.
