Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Christmas Cardmaking begins...

Hello, dear friends. This will be a short posting. Due to the fact that Thanksgiving is upon us, I selected this quote. I know we really should give thanks daily for our blessings, and despite the issues I have been dealing with lately- that have been very stressful to me; I know my blessings are bountiful. I am thankful for so many things, not the least of which are the love and support of my family and friends. Even friends I have met through my blogging, that I may never lay eyes on face to face. I am thankful for those of you that have loved or cared about me, supported me and especially Miles. Thank you- Thank you- Thank you!

I recently did start making some Christmas cards, and I will try to post them every couple of days. I hope you like them!

1) I am linking this post to The challenge this week is All about Christmas! Pass the Word!

2) I am also entering this post on MIM (Make It Monday!)
Come join in the fun!!!
3) This is also being linked to the Bloggers Challenge Color My World Challenge. I love Pink and for some reason

Now a few cards to get started... : )

General supplies: Cardstock:Bazzil; Die cut : Paper Bliss (Reindeer); Stamps: Inkadinkado;
Ink: Stampin up Craft; Bling: Recollections by Michael's, and Best Occasions by Walmart; Ribbon/Trim: JoAnn's Holiday trim; Tools: Wizard; Woodgrain Sizzix embossing folder, EK Success punch; Embossing powder: A La Mode by Hampton Art

Thanks for your visit. I appreciate your comments! I hope to be back soon!


  1. thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog, I started following you. I pray whatever you are going through that God will give you peace, He has already given you a heart of thanksgiving, such a blessing! May your week be filled with love and laughter!

    hugs *~*

  2. Hey Rachel, these are just so darling cute!!!

    Did you get an early taste of the Black Friday today? I got my 60% coupon but didn't get anything. My three kids all got what they wanted.

  3. Cute reindeer! Three fab Christmas cards, I really like the trim too. I see you entered over at MIM so good luck in the Challenge,

    You can view my card here

  4. These are sooo ADORABLE Rae.. saw them on MIM..Loz

  5. Fabulous cards Rachel, love the colours and the sweet reindeer.

    Thanks for sharing with us at ‘Make it Monday’

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    Don’t forget. .if you leave a comment on another entrant, mention that you saw their card on ‘Make it Monday’ for a chance at second prize.. the more you comment on and mention MIM, the more chances at winning second prize.

  6. Hi Rachel, I totally understand dealing with issues and I wish you all the best. I came over from MIM to check out your cards, so cute :)
    I became a follower and would love it if you get a chance to visit my blog and follow me too! I am going to read more about you now, ttys have a blessed day, I also love your Thanksgiving sentiment and your Dear God quote, I agree with their msg and I try to thank god and be thankful for all my blessings each day!

  7. Hi Rae!! These are so cool - I love the embossing and the embellishing!

  8. What wonderful creations! I love them so very much! Smiles.

    Thank you for joining us at Make it Monday this week.

    Hugs Krafty Karen - DT for Make It Monday.

    Remember, to leave a comment for the other entries & be sure to mention you saw
    them on Make It Monday.

  9. I saw your card on Make it Monday, i find it so sweet ! i love what you did with the pompons!

  10. Very cute Christmas cards. Love the non-traditional colors. You are so right too. We all have much to be thankful for! Thanks for joining us at Totally Papercrafts this week. **Linda

  11. Great card, looks like your set for Christmas. Thanks forp playing with us at the Poodles Parlour. Blessings Hilde

  12. Love, love, love these in the different colors! Thanks for playing challenge #1 at Simply Create Too!

  13. Oh cute, cute and cute again! I love your cards. Thanks for joing us at FWSAM.
    Hugs, Anja

  14. i ♥LOVE♥ those fabbbbbbulous reindeer!!!!!

  15. Yet another lovely lot of cards entered into my CHNC challenge 51 x

  16. Great cards.They have good message for all. "Peace in Earth" is great message i like it.

    Plastic Business Cards
    Plastic Card Printing
