Sunday, May 22, 2011

Flashback Friday Challenge First Wedding Card

My thought for today:

Never stay up until 6am blogging when you are supposed to be helping
your sister move at 10. It's just not smart. lol
(Yes, I'm laughing on the outside and crying on the inside...)


I found a cool challenge blog by way of Jennifer Rzasa's blog, (Thanks, Jennifer) it's called:

This week's challenge is to post your first wedding card. Now they don't specify if it is the first you ever made or the first you ever posted. In my case the first one I ever made I would have no record of because I did not always photograph my cards. So this card is the first one I ever posted. It was very interesting scrolling back through my past original blog entries to look at all of the cards I have posted in the past two years. When I very first started, I didn't even know how to edit my cards so I posted them all sideways. lol (yes, really!) The time has flown by, and I haven't always been consistent, but I started my blog at a very unstable time for me. It was right after the break up of my marriage. So this was like the one thing I did for me. I wanted to make it about the craft to have a happier focus. But from time to time as I reviewed in search of that wedding card, I saw some other life events pop into my blogging. Well, I'm still here, and I think I have grown a lot in this blogging adventure. And the best part is, I have made some great friends... as a whole new world has opened up to me that I certainly never knew existed.

This is the link to the first wedding card I posted on my blog if you want to check out the original post. It was back in 2009 and it appears I was submitting it for a challenge even then. : ) My photography wasn't too great either. If you want to enlarge it, you will be able to do so if you click on the link. I'm not sure why this image won't enlarge, but unfortunately, I'm no technology guru. lol

So here's the card:

Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your visit and your comments. : )


  1. Up until 6 am blogging...well, sheesh, I gotta tell you...that sounds glorious.....hope that you're power napping now:)

    I am soooo glad that you found Flashback Friday! I chuckled because when I popped over to your original blog post, I noticed that I had left you a comment...your card was for a 365 Cards challenge and I was on the design team at that time...small world, eh?

    First I'll type about your card and then I'd like to comment about the other things you brought up. I adore your wedding card...such a fine use of really made that heart POP. Top it off with the classic color combo and the fancy smancy wire work, you've gotta beauty!

    I truly believe in the power of blogging...the joy of creating...the joy of sharing....the joy of the blogging community. I believe that you started your blog at thee perfect time in your life. I think as women, we tend to do so much for others that we forget about ourselves...blogging is a wonderful outlet...creatively and emotionally.

    Well, have a super day....sooooo glad that you decided to join in the Flashback Friday fun:)

  2. So glad you found flashback fridays... amy is awesome and her challenges are fun! I loveeeeeeeeee your card! :):):) And I hear ya on the staying up to blog thing... sometimes I look at the clock and wonder...what the heck was I thinking staying up so late! LOL!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Glad to see this one isn't sideways! I know there are still people doing that.

    I too, joined in the Flashback Friday fun via another blogger.

  4. Wow that card is absolutely adorable.

  5. Your card is beautiful, Rae...the layers and embellishments look lovely!!! This sounds like such a fun's always fun to take a trip down memory lane!!! I agree with you about the has opened up a whole new world for me...ya can't go wrong with creativity and friendship!!!

  6. Hi Rae,

    You are so very right about blogging... we all seem to have found a niche for ourselves where we get so much love and appreciation. Just a soft pillow in this big, big world.
    Now to your card... it is so sweet. Love the hand torn effect and the layering.

    xxx Monica

  7. Hi Rae...I'm so happy to have helped you find Flashback Friday! It really is a lot of fun playing along, and Amy is soooooooo nice and awesome! Your card is fantastic, and even though you made it in 2009, I think that it still looks trendy!
