Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Post

Happy Valentine's Day!
For all those who celebrate it. Otherwise, I would say, "Happy Monday"! The temperature is rising this week, making me a believer in the groundhog theory.
Who cares right now that it may not last... : )

My 365 Words of Wisdom for Women for today is: (Why Not?)


Love freely, love deeply, love purely. Love yourself the way you've always wanted to be loved, and love others the same way. Love well, love often. Find it in your heart to love those who have never shown you love-for they need it most of all. Give so much love that you're certain to get some back. Open your heart to the woman who lives on the sidewalk with her two daughters, Love her. Have compassion for the man who fired you from the job you loved most of all. Love him. Love all the Earth has to offer-her people, her birds, her stones, insects, trees, mice, and oceans. Love something-anything!- with a passion. Love something larger than yourself. Call it Goddess, call it God, call it Nature, call it Devine, call it Source, Call it Betty.

Remember I told you I don't necessarily agree with everything she writes about each word, but enough that I still type it out. I may start to edit with... (dot,dot,dot)-next time, but for now... : )

Hope you all enjoyed today. My mother used to always say days like this are "just another day", and in truth, they are, but if it's special to you and yours...enjoy!

Here are a couple of cards I made. The first one my son wanted to give to a girl!

The inside: He wrote his own words because he said the cards in the store said too much.

This is the card I made for him. I know the colors are way dark. I think I tried a little too hard to make it masculine, but he did like it, so all was not lost.

The inside: I actually liked the inside better than the outside. Go figure...

Well, thanks again for stopping by. I appreciate you taking a little time out of your day to visit ME! = ]


  1. Your words of wisdom are wonderful, Rae, and your cards are sooo pretty!!!! How special to have your son want you to make a card for his special's beautiful and I love the card you made for him....the perfect mix of masculine and feminine!!!

  2. Rae, the pink Valentine card is so very pretty! I'm partial to pink anyway! I think the layout is bold and brilliant but, the colors scheme is soft and sensual and that helps balance it all out. I love the layout and I think you should write this one up as a challenge sketch! The inside is so finished off that it's as nice as the outside! Wonderful card, lucky girl! On your son's card, I actually love the colors on the outside of this card. I love the dark, bold, masculine look of it. The twine you used on the spine of the card is perfect because of it's thickness, it's very "manly". I wouldn't put it on a woman's card, you know? Love the matching hearts on the front and the way the last heart has the XO on it! The embossing in the background of this card is perfect for a guy also. The entire card is outside the box and right on point in my opinion! Another masterpiece Rae! Oh, I also like the inside of his card but I do like the outside better. The inside is more "foo-foo" than the outside. Definitely a manly card though! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Meant to tell you also, I love the way the fabric heart helps to balance out this layout and adds interest with the sequins inside! Very pretty and very nice! Also, I'm just noticing that the decorative background paper has X's and O's on it! LOL!!! How funny is that! Just a very, very nice card!

  4. Hi Rae, just saw your comment! So sorry it couldn't be you! But don't worry I will be making some more mini albums in the near future for giveaways and maybe one of them will have your name on it ;)
    Lynn xx

  5. It is a very unusual card, Rae - no wonder your son liked it... Love the colours - everything falls in so very well.

    Thanks for your encouraging words on my blog... I love that post on laughter... I am off to read it now,

