Monday, December 20, 2010

Thanksgiving day parade with an American Idol!

Live and Learn and Pass it On:

I've learned that the great challenge of life is to decide
what's important and to disregard everything else. Age 51

Hello, friends and familiy....I know my photos are way behind because I am just now posting these Thanksgiving Day Parade pics, and it is already January. They have been sitting in an old post for weeks. Not sure why. But if you would like a peek at the Philadelphia Thanksgiving Day it is (scroll to the end)...We did leave early because it started snowing, and I couldn't see through my glasses...

These are my "Christmas and Miles' birthday gift"-thank-you cards. They so need to get out in the mail...


These are some quick thank-you cards I made for a co-worker...

These were made for a friend...

And here's the parade...

Thanks for stopping by, hope to be back soon!



  1. What a productive day you had, Rachel! These cards are lovely!

  2. Hi Rae....your cards are all fabulous....that's a lotta stampin, girl!!!! How exciting to be able to go to such a wonderful parade...WOW!!! What gorgeous balloons and floats...we don't have anything like that around here!!

  3. RACHEL!!! I was enlarging all kinds of photos in this post! I was sitting here going, WOW! OMG!, WOW! OMG! OMG! OMG! LOOK AT THE... OMG! WOW! WISH I HAD BEEN... WOW! OMG! LOVE, LOVE THE CARDS!!! The ones with the circle background paper, very fun, a lot of motion and I love how the butterflies and dragonflies etc. just seem to go so very well with the circle paper. Great match up, and speaking of match up...there's no way I would have been able to match up that diagonal red stripe with that wonderful green print!!! I am ill-equipped for doing that I've found! GREAT MATCH-UP THERE RAE!!! THEY ARE NICE! I also love the extra texture you put on the snowmen cards with the embossing! They are very, very cute...and could those be sticker???! Thanks so much for sharing all of this with us! I thoroughly enjoyed the parade, made me feel as if I were home again. Great pics! OMGosh! You actually got a close up of an American Idol!!!! EEEEEeeeeeeekkkkkkkk!!!!!!! What was it like???!! My Gosh Girl, you could have stolen a smooch, a squeeze, a shake, a anything being THAT CLOSE!!!
    Okay, I done! Had to get that out!
    See Ya,
    Love and Hugs,

  4. Hi Rae

    So sorry it has taken me this long to get around to commenting on your beautiful cards.

    What an absolutely fabulous selections of cards, my you must have been a busy lady.

    Love the photos of the parade too, my boys would have loved to see that.

    Thank you for linking up to Make It Monday this week.

    Michelle :-)

  5. Hi Rachel,

    The cards are lovely! That parade brought back memories of the ONLY Thanksgiving parade I ever went to: I must have been six or seven. I was freezing and couldn't wait until Santa climbed the firetruck ladder and hauled his big fat bag of toys through Gimbels' window so we could leave!



  6. Holy Moly, Rae! You got lots-o-super-great-cards completed and hopefully mailed out :o! The snowmen are my faves.
    PS: Fabulous photos of the Parade, we don't have anything like that here either, Joan! Thanks for the fun trip back to Thanksgiving, Rae.

  7. Pretty card sets, Rae! And the parade looks like it was a lot of fun. Thanks so much for leaving a sweet comment on my blog!
