Monday, October 11, 2010

STAMP CAMP Fall 2010

Hi there. Just wanted to share with you the cards we made for the fall Stamp Camp. I was joined this year by my sister-in-law, Rose. I am so happy she loved it! We actually had 5 nice card projects this time. (You should have come, Jordan!) : )

My quote for today:

Give credit where credit is due. You'll find much of it reflects back on you. (unknown)

This first card is not from Stamp Camp. It is one of my designs. I started it back in May (Mother's Day) but left it partially blank to be completed when I needed it. Well, I recently needed it for a birthday card for a friend of mine who turned 60. So this is how I finished it...

This is a couple of the posters that were hanging up in the building where Stamp Camp was held...

And this one....(so true, so true...I try to tell this to my son...but he doesn't like to listen)...

Here are the cards. I really enjoyed all of the projects... There were five (X3) in all, fifteen cards, total. Someone WILL be getting these Christmas cards in the mail. :)

The snow man has a snowman magnet on the front that you pull off to use, and it reveals the same snowman underneath.

Thanks for coming to visit. As always, I greatly appreciate any and all comments that you take the time to leave!



  1. Hey Rachel,

    Glad to see you are posting again. Love your card. Black and orange are so pretty!

  2. great selection of cards!! love those sayings too, very good!

  3. Hey Rachel,
    The design and colors of your friend's B-Day card is fabulous~~turning 60 is a big deal and I'm sure she loved your special notice of the event! Lots of great Christmas cards created at Stamp Camp too.
    PS: Thanks for stopping by my Blog and leaving a comment~I really appreciate your visits :o)
    Been back almost weeks from another trip to Willow Grove~but I can't seem to play catch-up with everyone as quickly as I used to :(

  4. Hi Rae,
    Just wanted to say hi!! I have missed your visits so much! I have dropped by a few times but didn't want to leave too many comments on your posts or go overboard
    Bethann, stopped by and left a lovely comment and it was great to hear from her:)
    Anyway, love your cards as always and hope you stop by my place soon :)
    Lynn xx

  5. Wow, so many fun cards! That santa one is too cute!

  6. Super cards, Rachel! One better than the other. The Santa is perfect! The birthday cards is stunning with such a lovely sentiment. Love the owl and the ribbon. The tree card is great too. Thank you for sharing the posters - so meaningful.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving kind comments.

    xxx Monica
