Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Portland Oregon

Todays quote is :

If today you tried and failed, than tomorrow is another day.
If today you failed to try, then tomorrow is only today. Lee Scott


Hey there! I wanted to share a few photos from my trip to Portland, Oregon. (I took many more) I didn't get a chance to go to Mt. St. Helen's, but I may be able to get some of the photos from those that did make the trip. This was a work trip. Of course there are no photos of THAT! :)

This first photo is something that is truly unique. This person is taking a fingerprint that you send, and makes a necklace or keyring out of it! The colored glass represents all the various colors it can be reproduced on. I plan on ordering one, and even thought they would make a very unique gift for a family member. Of course you would have to actually get their fingerprint! If anyone is interested leave me a comment and I will send you the information to purchase. (and no I get no commission, I just think it is a cool product!)


These desserts came from the dessert table at the "Monday Night Out" gathering of AFIS users from across the United States. Don't they look fabulous! Just looking at the pictures takes me back... :)
...and no I didn't have them all, only one...or two...maybe...

Couldn't get to that chocolate cake before it was sampled!


I was able to walk over to "A Bite of Oregon" that was going on during our visit.
If you've ever been to Chicago, it was like "A Taste of Chicago".
Lots of people, lots of lines and lots and lots of food!

My first experience there! I also sampled a couple glasses of wine and some seafood.
It was good, but I forgot to take the photos!
But doesn't this look delicious? It was!...

In the afternoon....Lemony cake on a raspberry sauce...
(that pretty colored diamond was white chocolate on whipped creme)


I also walked over to the Portland Police Museum. My only site-seeing happened within
walking distance of my hotel, with one exception! This was an interesting visit.
I shot so many photos this trip this is just a very brief sampling here.

An old fingerprint processing kit! Look at all those powders!

I thought this five foot palm print was pretty cool!


And here is the one exception to my walking rule. I just HAD to visit Powell's City of Books, I was told by sooo many people. So I figured a way to do just that. I walked as far as I needed to catch a street car that took me directly across the street from the bookstore. (and the street car was free!) It is a unique bookstore in a couple ways. (1) It occupies the entire city block in all directions, and (2) I've never been in a book store that sold new and used books on the shelf right next to each other. It was odd, but ok. While I was there, they also offer to take a free photo of you on a blue screen which when shown you will be standing in front of the store. It was nice...

I got as much as I could fit in the frame of my camera. But it stretches further on both sides...
This was where I walked directly across from the hotel we stayed in. It was a nice looking area. Philadelphia should try to develop our waterfront like this. There were all sorts of shops
and restaurants with outdoor eating. It was quite nice.

This was a short distance from the hotel where "A Bite of Oregon" took place...

So many pretty florals in Portland!...

Thanks for visiting with me today...I hope you come back soon.
I have one more post before I get back to cardmaking
(and I am still working on my house!)
Slow....but sure...



  1. Hi Rachel,
    good to have you back on the www. I thought there was only one dessert, oh! boy, what a varieties they had! You visited some beauty places.

    Love your signature water mark! Will have to ask you how to do that.

  2. Hi Rae, I thought I had died and gone to dessert heaven, what fabulous sweet feasts for the eyes...Yumm! And how wonderful Portand looks, and the fingerprint key ring is such a fab idea and a really unique gift..Maybe I will order one!
    Lynn xxx

  3. LOVE those dessert photos! YUM :o) Portland Oregon is now on my "List" of places to visit. Looks like a fabulous fun (oh, I mean 'work' ;-) trip

  4. Hi Rachel,

    You took some fabulous pictures! Then again, you've always been a shutterbug! Looks like you had a great working trip.


