Sunday, May 23, 2010

Another craft convention Somerset NJ

I decided to go with a quote in the category of "humorous but true", today. ( made me chuckle out loud when I read it...)

Quote for today:
The chief cause of stress is reality. Lily Tomlin

Well, I went to N.J. for another craft convention with two of my favorite crafty peeps in the Philadelphia area (!) Karen and Rose. We had a grande time seeing what is new, and scoping out all the great bargains to be had...
It was a good day. From the looks of the parking lot, it was a good day for a whole lot of other ladies, too (as well as the venders)!

I am going to share a few tidbits from my crafting purchases with you, and then I need to get back to another project I am working on right now...

I used the candy background because I was thinking that these ribbons are rather sweet! I haven't seen these in the local crafts stores and hence they had to join my collection. I have many ideas for cards, and one of them is to work on multicolored sets that are actually inspired by the ribbons...I think I just created two more sets. Of course when these ideas come to fruition, they will be shared with you...
I didn't really get a great picture of them (they were so heavy) but those rings on the right side are being sold to help organize your ribbon. Well, they sold me. Once I have completed it, I will also share with you. (so many projects...) : )

I really thought these chips in the tubes would be a fun touch on male cards (one area I am sorely lacking in creativity). We'll see how it works out. Father's day is coming up, and although my dad is deceased, there are a few other males my son and I need to remember .

The mulberry papers in the photos below were hand made by two males who seemed a bit out of place at the convention. However, they had wonderful paper products. I thought they were unique, and can not wait to try them in a project. My sister in law and I were going to split the papers, even though they were priced very reasonably. But we couldn't agree on the green. How funny was it when I got home and opened my green paper and discovered it contained the same one that was showing on the outside of the pack she wanted! : D

Soooo very happy to purchase these quickcutz embossing folders above. They were only $3.49 each! What a bargain!!! : D The border ones were only $3 each.

The flowers in the jars are Prima. I know they have lost current popularity, but I'm going to
make some "flower pot" note cards. (another one of the many ideas I told you about, my head is swimming with um...) These are the softer colors. The next photo has the bold colors. They were also reasonably priced for the 3 jars @ $6. The newest prima flowers are fabulous! I saw some on "A New Design" (Ashley Newell) blog a few weeks ago after her shopping trip. I also saw them at this convention. I think I want to make my own though. They are made out of fabric and gathered ribbon. I have too much ribbon already NOT to make my own!
Those fabulous buttons are all wood. I just love them! (more embellishments for the male gender, right?)

Finally, do you see a trend in the stamps I purchased? They are mostly "Hero Arts", they are all in keeping with my passion for trees and leaves (do you sense another card set?), and I love them, too! Aren't they so cute? The little "crab" is of course the exception. My friend Karen found it for me. I thought I might use him to personalize my cards that I send to friends and family. I am, after all, all Cancer-the crab.

Finally, a closer look...Cheers!

“ life, engage in it, give it all you've got. love it with a passion, because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it” Maya Angelo

Thanks for visiting and for the comment(s) you may have left. A do appreciate you AND your visit!



  1. Hi Rachel,
    I am drooling all over your new toys! Wow, what a bargain on some of the items you got. Can't wait to see what you will come up with the masculine cards.

  2. Hi Rae,
    All I can say is, so many goodies, so little time! LOL! Glad to know you enjoyed yourself. I do get kind of sad though, wishing I were there with you "guys". Tootle-loo.
    By the way, I know you'll create some beautiful cards using ALL of this candy! (smile)

  3. WOW, Rae, you really got alotta stuff! Good for you. Can't wait to see your creations :o)
