Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last day of 2009, THANK YOU FRIENDS & FAMILY

Hey, hello all. I hope everyone is keeping warm and such.
I have been traveling for the past several days, so I have not been on the internet. I just returned on tuesday, and it looks like in the nick of time (see below).
I woke up to a little more snow today. It is the very last day of the year already....2009 wasn't much of a year for me, so I am not unhappy to say goodbye to it. Although it was just another in a long line of bad years lately.
Hey, we're starting a new decade, so I know it's gonna be great! I look forward to seeing 2010. I look forward to making it a better year. The first in a continuing line of better years for my son and I. I don't think I will post any photos today unless I do it much later. Yesterday my water heater broke, and I had lots of water in the basement. Today I am still cleaning it up. Not to mention the price quotes made me feel ill. But you have to have hot water, right? I was lucky to be able to get it replaced last night.
I just wanted to leave a note of thanks to those old friends and family members and any new friends I have encountered recently in my blog travels. I really appreciate you visiting my blog, and especially appreciate it when you leave a comment (Helen, Bethann).
Thanks for all your support in my cardmaking endeavors.
You all are the best!
Come back and see me in 2010!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hi Rachel,

    Sorry to hear about your hot water heater. Glad you had it fix. I had a similar problem several weeks ago. I boiled water for three days.

    I am still in Florida. Staying at my sister's house.

    Have a happy new year!!!

  2. Hi Rae

    Thanks for linking up to Make It Monday this week. It's nice to have you join in :-).

    I'm not sure though that you have used a direct link to any one of your cards in particular. Beautiful blog you have here though with tons of inspiriational cards.

    Michelle :-)
