Sunday, June 28, 2009

June 25th, 2009... Happy Birthday to me...

Well, it turned out to be a birthday I will never ever forget. Not because of any celebration I had. The King of Pop- Michael Jackson and Farrah Faucett, one of the original Charlies' Angels both died today. Farrah had been diagnosed with cancer, and her family was bracing for her passing, as much as you can prepare for the passing of a loved one, I'm sure. It is a shame her only son continued to be incarcerated, and was unable to be with his mother at her death. Also Ryan O'neal wanted to marry her after all these years, but that wasn't able to happen.

Michael Jackson!?! Dead?!? I don't think anyone was prepared for that. It was a surreal feeling. I watched videos of his music as long as I could keep my eyes open. My heart goes out to his three young children, and the rest of his family.

May they both rest in peace. One report said that Farrah finally got her real angels wings...
I hope Micheal's soul is "moonwalking" in heaven...

I celebrated my birthday by treating myself to a movie. Something I do rarely any more. I used to love going to the movies, and went frequently. Anyway, I saw the movie "Transformers". It was a 10 out of 10. I really liked it, and I didn't really see the first one. Maybe I can watch it now. : )

A longtime friend of mine insisted on taking my son and me out to celebrate my birthday. It was very nice and very kind. Sometimes it is hard for me to accept kindness when I have been so self absorbed lately. Something to work on...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Been round the gambit trying to figure out how to leave an encouragement for you. May have it now. Love the flowers. They are awesome, beautiful, gorgeous etc.
    Enjoy that son of yours. From the time that they can tie thier shoes til they ask for the car keys are the best times of thier childhood. Mine are 29,28,and soon to be 26.
