Monday, June 15, 2009

365 challenge Day 106, Super Sketchy Sunday

365 Cards Super Sketchy Sunday, Day 106

I am so behind, but I'm gonna get on it. I have had this idea in my head for a while, but I just couldn't get in my craft room. Here I am, and you guessed it- it's (ahem) 1:23 in the am. I am going to bed in about 7 minutes...

OK, so here's the sketch...

And here's my take on it....

1. The card size is 4.25X5.5
2. The sun is a brass stencil. I used texture magic (white), let it dry and colored it in with golden marker. Then I painted it with tulip glitter crystal sparkles.
3. The paper is DCWV. I put sand on top of the brownish paper after inking it a little. Then I glued the shells on it.
4. The little girl is a mini paperkins. I hand cut her bathing suit while I held the paper on her body (I like doing things the hard way). I also painted her suit with the tulip glitter crystal sparkles and added rhinestones to her suit and her pony tail- which I also hand cut out.
5. I popped her up and added a sea shell to her hand.
6. I tried to make the sentiment look a little like a beach ball using the white gel pen. The sentiment is stampin up. I stamped it on a small circle punch, and then placed that on a small scallop punch.
Well, that's it. I gotta get some sleep so I can try to get all these challenges done this week. I look them over and think about what I want to do during the week. Getting to the execution is the tricky part.

I also want to give Glenna (fabricbutterfly, her link is on my sidebar) a hugh THANK YOU for the nice blog award. I will get it on my blog as soon as I figure out what to do. : ) It was sweet of you to think of me, and I just wanted you to know I do appreciate it. I haven't learned all of the dos and don'ts yet, bear with me- I am still a work in progress!

OK... I'm off to dream about these colors for day 109...(it's 1:45A) .....

1 comment:

  1. such a fun beach scene....great job on the challenge!!
